This report on the economic and social contribution of ESPOL in the Litoral region is a pioneering initiative, both locally and regionally, of the evaluation and measurement of the impacts generated by university activity within the society in which it is developed, in the short and long term. It is worth mentioning that the preparation of this study takes place in the midst of one of the most serious economic crises the country has faced, which has had strong implications on the higher education system. In the face of this adverse scenario, the estimation of the effects derived from university activity constitutes today more than ever the necessary starting point to establish the university as a strategic ally of countries seeking to achieve better development conditions. Thus, the main objective of this study is to evaluate the contribution of the university to economic and social restoration, through the expenditure generated in the interaction with the different economic sectors involved in the development of its training, research, innovation and outreach activities. Additionally, long-term contributions are considered, such as the contribution to the creation of human capital, creation of technological capital, contribution to the business fabric, among others.