Alex works as a Data Scientist and usually collaborates in ESPOL research projects. He also has experience working with Social Media and Financial data. And he is interested in developing research involving Econometrics and Machine Learning (intersection of fields). Now, I’m a first year Econometrics master student at TU Dortmund, UDE and RUB.
Download my resumé.
B.Sc. in Economics (with a Big Data Specialization), 2019
M.Sc. in Econometrics, 2024
TU Dortmund, UDE and RUB
I have been using R since the middle of my undergraduate degree (2017 - present) and have performed some statistical analysis and regression modeling with this language.
In addition to R, I have used Python to perform many activities such as: data collection from Social Media (Twitter), processing and cleaning data, developing of some classification and regression models using ML algorithms, etc.
I am very interested in the Networks field and started to use this tool to perform many Social Network Analysis, such as: clustering, centrality metrics, etc. In addition, I complemented this tool with igraph (Python library) to process the network data, construct networks and other tasks.
I began to work with a graph-database (Neo4j AuraDB) and have learned to perform cypher queries in order to get data and upload new data.
I have experience in running notebooks and developing pipelines within this environment.
I have started using version control for personal and corporate projects.
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This blog is an example about how to download Twitter data of different topics.
This blog shows the application of some time series methods with an example.
This blog shows an example about using MachtIt package with Lalonde data set.